An Excellent Work from Home Option - Professional Transcriber



Gone are the times when you can only earn by working till late at office thankfully today you have lot many more options where you dont need to go to office and work till late and still get no benefit out of it.

At present there are many opportunities available online where you can earn money from the comfort of your room right in front of your laptop. One such job that lets you have the liberty of working on your own is Transcription job. It is one job where you can be paid every minute for which you wont need any major qualification too. All you need is to have some basic language skill; a transcriber transcribes a piece of audio file into text format. Example if I would have narrated this article rather than writing it then I would have needed a transcriber to convert it into a text file to get it posted in one of the site for a searcher who wants to know what is transcription job all about .

Comfort of working from your Home.

I personally feel that transcription job can be rated as one of the interesting jobs why because why because the transcriber gets to know so many interesting things thats happening around the world. Transcription job lets you work from home and at your own choice of time. Say I work for a office and one of my family member falls sick, now I have no other choice but to take a leave from office and what if the illness prolonged, I can neither quit my job nor let my family member die. My boss would never understand the reason of my absence at office. But a job like transcription gives you the liberty of working from home and you can take care of your family without making a compromise on your financial front. A basic knowledge of English is all that you need.

Transcription process - A Short Insight

A transcription job involves you to listen carefully to what the audio file has to say and type it exactly as you heard it saying by doing that you have done a job that pays you well and lets you work at your own convenience of time and place. Also the technology equips you to work more efficiently; there are various tools available online for free that makes your job a no hard task! Tools like Microsoft Word Doc spell checks the text of the transcription so one also needs not mug up the spellings. There are more tools available online which are specifically designed and developed to make the transcription a lot more easier than one can even imagine, using these tool you can slow down the speed of the audio or even increase it, raise the volume, adjust the voice modules bringing a more clarity to the audio, peddlers by which one can stop and start the audio file so that the Transcribers hand focus on transcribing the audio and the foot supports the pause and start of the audio file thus making the job the job of transcription a fun activity, where the audio dictates and the transcriber takes the dictation of the speaker/s.

Transcribers are paid depending on various parameters- audio length being the most important parameter in calculating the transcribers earning others audio quality, number of speakers involved etc . One can easily do 5-6 hours of audio file transcription every week. An hours audio normally takes around 3-5 hours of work for an efficient transcriber. There are various companies who have openings all around the year. All you ne
ed is to send your CV and apply for the job . The transcription companies usually would give you a test file that needs to be transcribed and returned and your selection would be based on the accuracy of the transcribed file viz-a-viz to the audio file shared with you and nevertheless the turnaround time of your file also would one of the foremost reason for the transcription company to decide whether or not to hire you for the opening. So make sure that you dont just transcribe it right but also return the file on time as Transcription job runs on commitments of time.

Happy Transcribing!

Submitted by: Sarah H.  New York,  Professional Transcriber.


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